(A) Introduction
1. The
name of the Club shall be “Chester Exiles”
hereinafter known as the “Club”.
2. The constitution shall goven the activities
and organisation of the Club.
3. Amendments to the constitution may be made
by a two thirds majority at a General Meeting, providing
that the proposed amendment has been published in the
Club newsletter during the month preceding the meeting.
(B) Aims
1. To
enhance the good name of Chester Football Club
2. To give financial support to Chester Football
3. To arrange social activities on behalf of
members and friends of the Supporters Club.
4. To encourage members to participate in social
and fund raising activities.
(C) Membership
Membership shall be open to anyone wishing to support
the aims of the Club.
2. All members shall register with the Membership
3. The annual subscription shall be: Full Members
£12.00 each, Unemployed/Students/OAPs £9.00
each. Overseas (outside Europe) £15.00, Family
(at the same address) £20.00.
4. Subscriptions shall be paid annually in August.
5. All above members shall be entitled to one
vote at General Meetings.
6. All above members shall be entitled to be
nominated for election to the Committee.
7. Honorary members may be elected to by a General
Meeting if and when the occasion arises.
8. Members shall behave in a responsible and
civilised manner at all times and shall uphold the good
name of the Club, Failure to do so could result in expulsion
from the Club.
(D) Meetings
The Annual General meeting shall be the governing body
of the Club.
2. The Annual General Meeting will take place
during the month of December, with a notice period of
28 days.
3. The ordinary General Meeting shall take place
quarterly as arranged by the committee.
4. All members shall be entitled to propose or
second resolutions at general meetings and shall be
encouraged to make any suggestions or criticisms regarding
the running of the Club.
(E) Meetings Committee
1. A
Committee shall be appointed to administer the affairs
of the Club.
2. The Committee shall comprise of a Secretary,
Treasurer and from two to five other selected members.
3. The Committee Chairman shall be elected by
the Committee.
4. The Committee shall normally be elected by
a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting, to serve
annually, and may be re-elected indefinitely.
5. Nominations must be made and seconded by full
members and submitted to the Secretary not less that
one week before the meeting at which the election is
due to take place.
6. Notice of elections shall be made by the Secretary
to all members of the Club not less than three weeks
before the meeting at which the election is due to take
7. A Committee member may resign, without notice,
from the Committee at any time.
8. In the event of a member or members resigning
from the Committee, it may continue to function, but
another member should be elected as soon as it is feasible
at a General meeting after due notification to all members
in accordance with Clause 6.
9. The Committee shall meet as required by a
majority of the Committee.
10. The Secretary shall prepare an agenda to
be distributed to Committee members prior to the meeting.
11. Topics for discussion may be suggested by
any member of the Club.
12. Relevant information from Committee meetings
will be published in the newsletter.
(F) Club Accounts
A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Club.
2. Two cheque signatories shall be required:
Treasurer and one other Committee member.
3. Club accounts shall be audited annually by
a person not associated with the Club.
(G) Club Newsletter
1. Newsletters
are to be prepared and distributed as decided by the
2. Any member of the club may contribute to the
newsletter which will usually be produced monthly.
3. All members are to be issued with the regular
All rules and conditions of the club
are to be made available to each member.
November 2023